برجراف عن الانترنت

*The internet is a double weapon, it
can be harmful and useful in the same time. However, being harmful or useful depend in the way of using it.
*Internet can be useful in many different ways such as, searching for data, communication with people from the other side of our world, and knowing facts and news about world countries. For a student in school, the internet is very useful material, it helps students in thier studies online, doing homework, and looking for data to get my high score.
*Also, for a sister who has her sister in foreign country in the other side of the world the internet is the easiest and cheapest way in communication between very huge distance such as Egypt and China. Taking through the internet can provide a lot of facilities such as, seeing the person in the other country clearly and talking to him without any difficulties and it is free!
*On the other hand, the internet can be a dangerous weapon for some people. Using the internet in entertainment for instance, playing games for a long time and without taking benefit of time, chatting with foreign person and exchange very specific information a bout themselves without knowing the other person well such as exchange name , address, credit card number and other things. , and doind bad things like showing some not allowed parts from females and males body.
*Internet is useful and in the same time harmful communication material and the only one who can decide is the user of the internetSo, use it in the right way you see.